Archive for September, 2014

In a Marketing Slump?

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Breaking Down Big Data for Your Business

That’s the phrase on the street: big data. It’s big data this, or big data that. Aside from all the hype, what use is big data to your business marketing? Does big data have any potential to turn marketing into something that actually produces healthy increases in revenue? Of course.

Think of the challenges in marketing: an inability to effectively target key audiences without spending a fortune. The battle is even more uphill when it

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Look to Millennials

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How Interns Can Help Your Marketing

You are managing a mid-sized business and have a predicament. There is more work to be done than your current employees can handle, but there isn’t enough budget to hire on an additional full-time team member to take on some of the slack. This is a common issue among local businesses that don’t need large teams. There are two solutions for this work dilemma: hire freelancers on a project-by-project basis, or hire on interns. In

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