Archive for the 'The latest' Category

Why Measurements Matter

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When starting a marketing campaign, it’s good to have an overarching goal to work towards. This goal correlates with a problem you are trying to fix, an opportunity you want to create, or a combination of both.

After setting a goal, you need to break it down into smaller tasks called objectives. Objectives are more specific than a goal. They are time bound, measurable, and attainable. A good example of an objective is, “Increase website traffic by 20 percent in 6

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Marketers- How to plug “Big Data” into Closed Loop Marketing

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What is big data? And how does it affect Website Marketing?

I’m sure you have heard the terms “big data” and “website analytics.” These two phrases have the masses chanting BIG DATA over and over again. I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone walk by with a “big data” tattoo stamped on their bicep. What’s the big deal? Why are thousands of companies talking about web analytics? The answers are more simple than you’d expect. After

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Four Basic Marketing Metrics

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What To Look For

Every marketer needs to know how to measure his results. With the amount of time and resources business spend on digital marketing, it would be good for owners and marketers alike to know what to look for when it comes to marketing metrics.

Here are some of the basic and fundamental metrics businesses should use to measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

ROI – Return on Investment

In its most basic form, ROI is how much

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Keys to Effective Marketing

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Slimming Down Your Keychain

Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky is credited in saying, “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” The same is true with marketing techniques. The key is taking a shot you feel confident you can make.

With 28 million small business in America, it’s hard to find a way for your voice to be heard. There are two main challenges in marketing a business. Creating the right plan and then implementing that plan effectively.

Creating the Right

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Why Your Marketing Needs Analytics

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The Power of Measuring

No campaign or business can ever reach it’s full potential without analytics encouraging the efforts, supporting the ideas and measuring the results. Marketing analytics differs from web analytics in that it focuses on finding leads, upping sales and driving traffic to your site, while web analytics focuses more on how long people stayed on a page or how many unique visitors there are to your website. So let’s explore what marketing analytics really is and discover the

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What is Cloud Software?

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Where Your Data Really Goes

We all know that cloud software is cool and cutting edge, but what does that really mean–cloud software? How does it work? And how secure is it to use? Well, lets find out.

What is cloud software?

A good example is a commonly used web-app called DropBox. The idea with DropBox is that you drop your files, photos or videos in this “invisible box” that can then be accessed by anyone with internet access. This type of cloud

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In a Marketing Slump?

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Breaking Down Big Data for Your Business

That’s the phrase on the street: big data. It’s big data this, or big data that. Aside from all the hype, what use is big data to your business marketing? Does big data have any potential to turn marketing into something that actually produces healthy increases in revenue? Of course.

Think of the challenges in marketing: an inability to effectively target key audiences without spending a fortune. The battle is even more uphill when it

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Look to Millennials

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How Interns Can Help Your Marketing

You are managing a mid-sized business and have a predicament. There is more work to be done than your current employees can handle, but there isn’t enough budget to hire on an additional full-time team member to take on some of the slack. This is a common issue among local businesses that don’t need large teams. There are two solutions for this work dilemma: hire freelancers on a project-by-project basis, or hire on interns. In

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What Does Good Marketing Look Like?

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How to Revamp Your Company’s Marketing

Marketing is necessary, yes. Most professionals acknowledge this. However, marketing is probably the most misunderstood and poorly executed aspect of business. Too often businesses pursue short-term solutions that save money and promise to maybe hit target audiences. Unfortunately marketing will only yield success in the same measure as the thought and effort put into it. Jump into a campaign without understanding key audiences, it will likely miss the mark with its messaging. Similarly, thorough research

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Proving Company Sustainability

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How to Gain Favor In The Eyes of Your Buyers

Sustainability is its own buzz word in the corporate world, but sustainability has many useful elements that can give your business credibility in the eyes of consumers. Sustainability basically refers to ways your business promotes the well-being or ‘sustainability’ of mankind, usually in the context of the environment and preserving the environment through responsible work practices. But I invite you to view sustainability in a more holistic way.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability for

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