Tag for marketing analytics

5 tips to Keep Social Media Interesting

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If you’re like most people, you love it when people like your posts and follow you on twitter. It can be a huge boon to leverage an online audience, shifting them slowly into customers of your product or service. While you can easily see audiences with facebook insights and other analytics tools, the big question that most people face is: how do I get people to pay attention to me on Facebook, Twitter, or any other platform? The answer is

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5 Reasons your Marketing Campaign Failed

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So you planned, prepared and executed your marketing campaign… and it tanked. What happened? You thought that you had planned everything perfectly and it was going to be a home run. Here are 5 reasons your campaign failed.

Targeted wrong audience – This may be the biggest reason that your campaign fails. You can have the perfect plan with amazing goals and strategies. But if you are selling pop music and targeting

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37 Inspirational Marketing Quotes

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Sometimes you can get overwhelmed when doing marketing, analyzing the numbers, and looking into the big data. Along with allowing Setrics make the data easy to read and understand, we want to give you some inspiration to keep innovating. Check out these quotes about marketing to get energized, motivated and maybe even spark an idea that you can implement into your current strategy.

“Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.”

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Why Measurements Matter

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When starting a marketing campaign, it’s good to have an overarching goal to work towards. This goal correlates with a problem you are trying to fix, an opportunity you want to create, or a combination of both.

After setting a goal, you need to break it down into smaller tasks called objectives. Objectives are more specific than a goal. They are time bound, measurable, and attainable. A good example of an objective is, “Increase website traffic by 20 percent in 6

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Analytics matter; what your marketing is (or is not) doing for you

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The famous analogy of “If a tree falls in a forest and nobody’s around to hear it, does it make a noise?” is overused, but remains useful in comparing how marketing works.

Companies all over the world spend thousands of dollars on marketing and advertising campaigns in an effort to brand and sell their product. And to their dismay much of that money is wasted on efforts that don’t make a difference in their consumer base.

Hence, if marketing doesn’t

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Why Your Marketing Needs Analytics

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The Power of Measuring

No campaign or business can ever reach it’s full potential without analytics encouraging the efforts, supporting the ideas and measuring the results. Marketing analytics differs from web analytics in that it focuses on finding leads, upping sales and driving traffic to your site, while web analytics focuses more on how long people stayed on a page or how many unique visitors there are to your website. So let’s explore what marketing analytics really is and discover the

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What Does Good Marketing Look Like?

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How to Revamp Your Company’s Marketing

Marketing is necessary, yes. Most professionals acknowledge this. However, marketing is probably the most misunderstood and poorly executed aspect of business. Too often businesses pursue short-term solutions that save money and promise to maybe hit target audiences. Unfortunately marketing will only yield success in the same measure as the thought and effort put into it. Jump into a campaign without understanding key audiences, it will likely miss the mark with its messaging. Similarly, thorough research

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