How to Create the Perfect Hashtag

Jan 27, 2016

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Are you one of those people who think that the ‘interweb’ is just a fad? Something that is going to die out soon? If so, you can stop reading. If you are not a crazy person and think that the internet is here to stay, you need to take advantage of it. Using a hashtag to connect your company with your consumers, and those consumers with other consumers, is essential. A hashtag can create a medium where your own customers can do the marketing for you. They generate instant word of mouth that can empower your customers to promote your company, create buzz and visibility, and pay off real dividends in the long run. Here is how to design the perfect hashtag.

#Don’tRushIt. Take time to figure out which hashtag is best for you. You want to keep the same hashtag so that people know what to look for when they want information about your company and what to use when they want to join the conversation. You can have other hashtags for different product launches or marketing campaigns but stay consistent. Look for a hashtag that is easy to use and communicates the right message for your company.

#MakeItMemorable. If people can’t remember it, they aren’t going to use it. You’ll want to make it creative and something that will stand out. If it is just like everybody else, it will not have the same impact as it could if it were unique.

#ResearchIt. Because you want to track the effectiveness of your hashtag, you want to make sure that you are the only one using it. Look around and find out what is currently being used. Once you choose your final hashtag, verify that it is exclusive to your company. That will make it easier to track the overall results.

#KISS. Keep the hashtag simple and easily understood. People will naturally use something that makes sense to them. If they cannot understand the hashtag, or it is too complex, it will not be as powerful. Don’t make it too long or too short. Communicate your message clearly and concisely. Keep it simple, stupid.

#BeCareful. Read the hashtag backwards and forwards. Sometimes when you take out the spaces, it can create unwanted words or phrases that can be misconstrued. Have someone who you trust look at it to check for undesired messages. You don’t want the hashtag to backfire on you like these disasters.

#Don’tGoOverboard. You should only be using 2-3 hashtags max, and there is no need to use one on every post. Having said that, make sure most of your tweets include your company’s hashtag to have consistency and ensure that your customers know how to join the conversation.

Now that you are a pro at creating hashtags, go make it happen. Then make sure that it is working by using Setrics to monitor the progress and get real-time alerts and reports. If you don’t track the momentum of the hashtag, you won’t know if you need to change it or just keep doing what you are doing. Don’t leave it to chance. Make the most of your hashtag by using Setrics’ marketing analytics.

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